Metal Speed Hump End Cap


If an incident occurred at your venue. What would your current response be to:

  • A Community claim that your walkable spaces are unsafe?
  • Originating directly or indirectly from incident areas overlooked?
  • How would you attend to your responsibilities?
  • If ignored, how would you deal with the emotional impact knowing you could have prevented?
  • Do you have answers for SafeWork?

BUY NOW For all your venues Community families Health, Safety, Comfort & Enjoyment.




Metal Speed Humps Ends

Helping you provide the safest possible places for all your venues Community families Safety, Health & Enjoyment. Important iEM | iMaintain Ezy Manage Speed Hump Ends Safety Systems are best identified using the Public Liability Safety System for their selection, installation, and locations to achieve all safeguard levels. In fact, this is to address your venues’ high risk/high consequence commonplace incident areas. For example, within the Public Liability Safety System, these are identified and categorised for your venues’ shared walkable spaces.

Furthermore, Steel Speed Hump Ends Safety Systems help traffic calming within your enclosed car parks. That is, Calmer drivers enhance pleasing encounters and ambience throughout your carpark walkable spaces.  For your community families’ safety, comfort & Enjoyment on their physical journey.

We encourage our safety community to focus on venue safety, easily providing compliance to regulations. Safety makes management that easy.

The Public Liability Safety System is highly recommended for the proper selection, installation, and locations for your product safety systems.

Your little actions make a huge difference!

Additional Details Metal Speed Hump Ends

iEM | iMaintain Ezy Manage Metal Speed Hump Safety Systems provide safety for your venue’s shared vehicle & walkable spaces within your car parks.

1.    Firstly, they add to the landscape, ambience & walk-ability of your venues.

2.   Metal Speed Hump Ends Safety Systems help protect your community’s family’s physical journey through shared walkable spaces through your venues’ car parks.

3.   Furthermore, they help protect your venue community from the everyday hustle and bustle of parking lot shared walkable spaces.

4.   Most importantly, Metal Speed Hump Ends help prevent unnecessary traumatic accidents within your venue community’s shared walkable spaces within your car parks.

5.   Finally, above all, without Metal Speed Humps and other Product Safety Systems, traumatic injuries become more likely, to your venues Community Family members.

Also, the Public Liability Safety System recommends the proper selection, installation, and locations for your product safety systems.

Speed Hump Ends Anchor Bolts & Spikes

That is, iEM sells Anchor Spikes or Anchor Bolts separately from the Speed Hump Ends Safety Systems.  You choose the best fixing for your job surface.

Spikes – Asphalt and gravel surfaces

Additionally, Anchor Spikes are best for asphalt and gravel.  Speed Hump Safety Systems Anchor Spikes sold in a 3 x pack.

Bolts – Concrete Surfaces

Finally, Anchor bolts are steel masonry bolts for concrete surfaces for Speed Hump Safety Systems.  Speed Hump Safety Systems Anchor Bolts sold in a 6 x pack.


Additional information

Weight 8 kg
Dimensions 350 × 200 × 52 mm

Steel plate 3mm thick

Size Middle Plate

(L x W x H) 1000mm x 350mm x 52mm

Size End Cap

(L x W x H) 350mm x 200mm x 52mm

Net Middle Weight

16.2 kgs/Meter

Net End Cap Weight

3.2 kgs/each piece


Powder coated yellow and black pain


Metal Speed Humps

Metal speed humps, also known as bumps, are hard wearing and long lasting, with minimal maintenance required.  The metal speed humps have reinforced webbing to maintain structural strength. They are powder coated yellow and paint black for hard wearing.

Metal Speed Humps are made from 3mm steel plate. 5mm fabricated plate for the 5 gussets installed over the 1-meter length, of the speed hump segment. So, these speed humps can be maintained to last for many years.

The Public Liability Safety System is highly recommended for the proper selection, installation and locations for your product safety systems.



Material: Steel plate 3mm thick


Size Middle Plate: (L x W x H) 1000mm x 350mm x 52mm

Size End Cap: (L x W x H) 350mm x 200mm x 52mm

Net Middle Weight: 16.2 kgs/Meter

Net End Cap Weight: 3.2 kgs/each piece


Finish: Powder coated yellow and black pain



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